Sunday, July 29, 2007

Finally Fun at the Beach!

Sigh...summer is slipping away! I promised myself that the kids and I would have more fun this summer than last, but so far we're not screaming with excitement. Oh, the kids have had fun: carnival with daddy, swimming at the lake, playing at Mimi's, and running naked in the backyard. I really wanted an action-packed summer for all of us, though. I just didn't realize that action-packed and baby just don't go together. I love my little guy, but he slows me down a tad! So I was really excited when Greg offered to watch Vincent for the afternoon while I took the girls to the beach at Greenbriar. Let the summer fun begin! The weather was perfect - sunny, hot, and breezy. The girls and I swam and splashed, and played mermaids. It was great girl time, and although the girls may not remember that one day out of the summer, I will remember it forever. How many more years until swimming with their mom will be totally embarrassing? I plan to squeeze as much joy out of these opportunities as possible!