Sunday, August 12, 2007

In the Mood to Blog

There's nothing like a fun family outing to get me in the mood to blog! Yesterday we went to annual Lodge cookout for Greg's Masonic lodge at the Woodboro park. I always enjoy going to the cookout, mainly because everyone dotes on my kids so much! I didn't go last year, because I was too pregnant and too tired from moving. I think Greg took Lauren by himself, so it had been a couple of years since anyone had seen Melissa. And of course, no one had met Vincent yet!

The girls really had a great time playing at the playground. Lauren was all over every piece of equipment, and it didn't take her long to find another little girls to play with. Melissa was so funny, she just wanted to go on the spiral slide over and over! She even made the little "wheeee!" sound when she slid down! The girls were ecstatic when Greg spun them on the merry-go-round, and helped them use the teeter totter. He spent a lot of time playing with them in between socializing with his friends. And I got to do a little bit of everything: eating, playing, talking, and taking pictures! We were all pretty pooped when we got abck home, and had to revive with a little ice cream! All in all, a really fun family afternoon!