Sunday, July 1, 2007

It's been a Hard Week

It wasn't so much the three horriffic poop incidents. Or waking up three times a night with the baby. Even the trip to the ER alone wouldn't have done it. All those things, and a few more, combined to make it one really hard week for me! The doctors at the hospital think I have a gall bladder infection, and it seems that surgery will be inevitable. That's hard to hear - almost as hard as the low-fat diet I have to go on! Melissa seems to be balking a little at potty training, and we've had quite a few "accidents". I think I might be pushing her too hard, so I'm going to try to ease back a little bit.

There was some silver on my storm cloud, though. The scrapbooking club I've joined has inspired me to create a few great pages, and it's keeping me excited about scrapping. I have a few pages to post here, and I hope to update them regularly.

Greg has been working like a man posessed on the new deck, and it is almost finished. We had some beautiful weather this weekend, so it was the perfect time to get it done. I snuck a snap shot of him working - shhhh! Don't tell!

I'm really looking forward to spending time at mom & dad's with Jessica, and seeing the family at large up at the lake. I hope it will give me the opportunity to relax and socialize, and maybe improve my health a little. A few days at the lake is always rejuvinating!